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Rødovre,Denmark 作者:  来源:  发布时间:2021-09-29


Population: 40,652

Area: 12.1 km²

Municipality in Hovedstaden



Rødovre Kommune is a municipality in Region Hovedstaden on the island of Zealand in eastern Denmark. Rødovre is a Danish town, and the seat of the Rødovre Municipality, in the Region Hovedstaden. Rødovre is part of metropolitan Copenhagen.

The town mostly comprises suburban homes in the south and light industrial areas in the north. It has many smaller green areas, including Schweizerdalsparken, and larger areas such as Vestvolden and Damhussøen.

Rødovre, co-extensive with the territory of its municipality, is in the central-western suburbs of Copenhagen, bordering Frederiksberg to the east, Glostrup to the west, Herlev to the north, and Brøndby and Hvidovre to the south.

The nature of Rødovre is more varied than most people imagine. In Rødovre there are lakes, watering holes, marsh, streams, forest and grazing land. The many different types of habitat are the reason why you find a rich and exciting animal and plant life here in the middle of the city, and it is therefore important to protect them.

The Nature Conservation Act is the legal basis for the management of the actual natural areas and for the protection of specific plant and animal species. The Act specifically aims (§1 (2)):

to protect nature with its stock of wild animals and plants and their habitats and the landscape, cultural, historical, scientific and educational values,

to improve, restore or provide areas of importance to wildlife and to landscape and cultural and historical interests; and

to give the people access to move and stay in the wild and to improve the opportunities for outdoor life.

Many of the green areas in Rødovre are protected. The protections secure the areas as green areas and have provisions that safeguard nature, culture and outdoor life. The West Bank area, which includes the West Bank itself, and the adjacent areas including Espelunden Park. Espelunden Sports Center, Kagsmosen, etc. is protected. The green areas along Harrestrup Å are also protected, including the Stadium Park and the Boldbanerne along Elstedvej.

Almost all wild birds and mammals in Denmark are protected unless they appear in the Hunting Act or other legislation. All toads, reptiles and all orchid species are also protected.



Rødovre Municipality is located close to the capital with good distance to the motorway system and a short distance to the airport. And they are partnering with several municipalities and the Capital Region of Denmark to establish a new cross-cutting high-class traffic connection along Ring 3. Just as they work to get the subway passed from Copenhagen to Rødovre.

The municipality enter into a collaboration on Bicycle Superstars with a large number of other municipalities. Through this project, several better cycling paths must be established between settlement areas and the business areas.



Rødovre Municipality's revenue base was DKK 2,772 million. Tax revenue amounted to DKK 2,045 million. DKK, which corresponds to 74 per cent. of the revenue. The print percentage was maintained at 25.7 per cent. The municipal land tax is 30.8 per thousand. Kirkeskat-the rate is unchanged at 0.72 per cent. according to announced church budgets. In 2018, the municipal council chose to self-budget the tax revenue, rather than the state's fixed income government guarantee. This is because there was an expectation of more citizens in 2018 than the population count the state guarantee was based on. An additional income of DKK 24 million is assumed. in relation to the state guarantee by: even budget. The final gain from the choice of self-budgeting can be calculated in mid-2020.

The municipality's tax rate is 25.70 percent and the church tax is 0.72 percent.

The basic tax rate is 30.8 ‰.


*All amounts are in DKK per. per capita in current prices



Rødovre Municipality is part of the Capital Region, which is the whole of Denmark's growth engine. Most new jobs are created here, and the largest share of private and public research and development is found here, as well as the highest share of foreign investment.

The overarching goal of the metropolitan region is to become an attractive metropolis with good traffic connections and networks, which will strengthen business development in a global context. Focus is on initiatives that promote the share of innovative companies and entrepreneurs, as well as growth companies.

Rødovre Municipality's business policy is in line with the metropolitan region's goals and strategy for business development. The goals are sought to be achieved by creating a good framework and opportunities for business in the municipality of Rødovre.

Large parts of Rødovre are laid out for business purposes in different ways. Both in clean business areas, but also in mixed housing and commercial areas. Just as retail and service center areas are laid out.

Business policy focuses on six themes that describe long-term visions and goals for business development. In order for the visions to become concrete actions, close cooperation with the municipality's citizens, economic operators, the Rødovre Business Council and all other stakeholders is required.

Visions and goals are formulated on the basis of the challenges facing the municipality, the goals of the municipal council and the business community, current planned initiatives and new initiatives that will help to develop the municipality as a well-functioning settlement and business municipality. Business policy is followed by action plans that are drawn up with concrete actions to realize our visions and goals.

In Rødovre we have identified the following six themes:

Housing and business development

Commercial Areas


Labor market and growth

Promote entrepreneurship

business Service

The winner of the Business Award 2020 will be selected based on an assessment of the specific business initiatives where the focus may vary from year to year. The prize is awarded based on the efforts of the most recently completed financial year.

Winners of Rødovre business award:

2015 Combi Byg A / S

2016 HSR Carpentry and partner A / S

2017 Rødovre Local New

2018 AB Clausen A / S

2019 Holger Danske Moveteforretning A / S



Heerum Museum

Address: Kirkesvinget 1, 2610 Rødovre

Henry Heerup (1907-1993), painter, sculptor and graphic designer, is known and loved for his unique ability to address the major existential issues of life in a simple and accessible way. Heerup’s straight-forward enthusiasm for storytelling and simple, colorful expression has found its way into many homes and classrooms. From the 1940’s, Heerup was a major player in Danish and international art circles, and a member of the CoBrA movement.

In 1946 Henry Heerup purchased a site in Rødovre, which served as his outdoor studio for the rest of his life. The core of the museum’s collection consists of Heerup’s own works that the artist kept in his home. In 1995 these works were donated to Rødovre Municipality by his widow, Marion Heerup. The collection consists of paintings, graphic art, drawings, stone sculptures and ‘junk art’. Combined with personal items from Heerup’s workroom, these provide special insight into the artist’s universe. Heerup Museum was designed by architect, Bernd Kjelland, and opened in 2001 next to the Rødovregaard community centre.


The Ejby Bunker

Address: Ejbybunkeren, Jyllingevej 303, 2610 Rødovre

The Ejby Bunker is a new and exciting museum for anyone interested in "going underground" and discovering the time from World War I up to and including the Cold War. An exciting interactive museum worth a visit.

Travel back in time and explore Cold War history in the labyrinthine hallways of the Ejby Bunker. Experience the exciting history of the Ejby Bunker, the West Rampart and Copenhagen's Fortifications through our digital and interactive installations that cast you in the lead role.




The municipality was created in 1901 when the parish of Rødovre was split from Brønshøj-Rødovre parish; the Brønshøj part was simultaneously annexed by the city of Copenhagen. The municipality reforms of 1970 and of 2007 both left the boundaries of Rødovre unchanged.

Until 1901, the town was part of the parish of Brønshøj-Rødovre. Vanløse was also part of that parish. In that year, Rødovre was created as independent municipality and Brønshøj was simultaneously annexed by the city of Copenhagen.

Demographically Rødovre is a multi-cultured mixed suburb with no larger ethnic group of people. People from many different countries and middle-class/low-class inhabitants live next to each other.

The municipality of Rødovre has a city weapon that shows a red ox walking on a red bridge over blue waves in a silver field. The bridge and the waves symbolize the many streams that at that time were characteristic of Rødovre. The City Weapon was approved by the Ministry of the Interior on May 16, 1938. In connection with the inauguration of Rødovre City Hall on Saturday, June 9, 1956, the mayor chain was presented by representatives of the Rødovre Craftsmen, Industry and Citizens' Association and the Rødovre Trade Association with letterpress B. Hilbo.

The Municipality of Rødovre has, in collaboration with the Danish Building Heritage, and with financial support from Realdania, prepared a report whose purpose is to map Rødovre's cultural heritage and describe what is particularly characteristic of Rødovre's historical development and identity.

Rødovre is an independent and strong local community with many local offerings that offer the opportunity to live "the rich everyday life". Here are good social communities, cultural and leisure services and good shopping.

Rødovre Municipal Council focuses on sustainable urban development. The vision 'Together on Rødovre' goes across all administrations and is about re-thinking the welfare municipality, so we are also a modern welfare municipality with a strong community in 20 years. This is also the starting point for the upcoming planning period.

'Municipal planning strategy 2016' is an indication of how the welfare municipality of Rødovre will develop in the future. In the municipal planning strategy, there is a natural focus on the physical development of the city, which is largely defined by the municipal plan's themes and frameworks. In Rødovre, there is a tradition that the municipal plan is far more than just an area plan with records of where there may be different functions.

Municipal planning strategy 2016 'Together on Rødovre - sustainable urban development' describes the municipal council's strategy for the upcoming planning. In addition to the overall theme, 6 sub-themes are described, as well as the status of the current situation and an identification of Rødovre's potentials and challenges.

The development is described through the themes:

More citizens - a growing municipality

Business life in growth

Sustainable and attractive urban spaces

The green Rødovre

Effective mobility

Urban areas in development





Mayor: Erik Nielsen

Address: Rødovre Parkvej 150, 2610 Rødovre

Telephone: 36 37 70 00

mail: rk @ rk.dk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rkdk2610

Website: https://www.rk.dk/

Office Hours:

Monday-Wednesday: 10-14

Thursday: 10-18

Friday: 10-14
